Present Exhibitions
Júlio Pomar
Sara Antónia Matos / Pedro Faro
06.07.2023 // 14.01.2024
06.07.2023 at 6:00 pm

Celebrating its 10th anniversary – it opened its doors for the first time on April 5, 2013 –, the Atelier-Museu Júlio Pomar shares with the public the highlights of its collection.

The works on display, surprising for their plastic and disruptive character, cover different times and various subjects, such as portraits and self-portraits – a genre that Pomar never stopped practicing –, a bestiary, of more and less strange animals, Literature, with emphasis on for two of the largest and most significant paintings in the collection: Navio Negreiro (The Slave Ship) and Cartilha do Marialva.

Of note, in this exhibition, is a group of sketches, photos and documents alluding to the mural paintings that Júlio Pomar created at Cinema Batalha, in Porto. Begun in 1946, when Pomar was just 20 years old, the murals were only finished at the end of 1947, as the artist was detained by the International Police for the Defense of the State (PIDE), the secret police force created during Salazar regime. Deemed lost forever, the murals were recently discovered and recovered, after removing the seven layers of paint that covered them, including that of the censors who, in 1948, decided to conceal them.

This commemorative exhibition of the 10th anniversary of the Atelier-Museu Júlio Pomar has a complementary program that includes the launch of books, debates, performances, and a special concert at the opening, on the 6th of July.

© José Frade / AMJP

© José Frade / AMJP

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